where to find a mid level cutter

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where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 34960Unread post lejockey
Sat May 09, 2015 10:04 am


I have been browsing the forum for a year or so now, but have never posted anything. I have been saving up my monies for about 6 years and now have a budget of about £6000 to spend on lathe. I would like to cut onto vinyl like materials, not acetate and was after some advice on where to look? In an ideal world I would love a T560 with the feedback cutting head, but after emailing Souri there aren't any ins stock and not enough orders to warrant making any at the moment. I wouldn't ever claim to be an expert, but I have built amplifiers and speakers, worked in studios, written and released music and have a degree in physics. I understand a lot about the theory of cutting records, and would like to learn the practical side to it. I was wandering what the forums thoughts were on my options were?

Thank you

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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 34975Unread post opcode66
Sun May 10, 2015 3:53 pm

lejockey wrote:In an ideal world I would love a T560 with the feedback cutting head, but after emailing Souri there aren't any ins stock and not enough orders to warrant making any at the moment.
Classic Souri response. This could mean a number of things. Typically, this is not true. On this site, in the same week, two people posted. One saying that Souri replied as he did to you. The other saying that Souri just sold him a VR. In my experience, Souri tells this to people he doesn't want to sell to for aby number of reasons. He will never contact you (though he says he will put you on a waiting list). In the meantime, you will hear about others buying a new VR from him. Totally rediculous.

Also, if you were somehow choosen by Souri to be allowed to purchase one of his lathes, you can't buy the feedback version to start. You have to use a dynamic head from him for at least a year or more before he will allow you to purchase feedback, platter motor or platter.

Finally, Zero support from Souri for second hand VR's. If you buy one from anyone other than Souri, then you'll get nothing from the manufacturer. No help at all. No supplies at all. No styli. No blanks. Zip. Zero. Nada.
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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 34978Unread post dimi751
Sun May 10, 2015 6:03 pm

Hi lejockey & Todd

Yes it seems wierd that vr website is running and yet it is hard to get a t560, 6000 pounds is a shit load of money these days and I'm sure you should be able to find a second hand unit maybe on eBay ?

I mean, if I was ready to buy a vr I would email souri and says to him I've booked my flight
I'm coming on this day, maybe he thinks people who just email him are not serius I really don't know.

And I'm pretty sure vr have had there fair share of time wasters over the years saying that they will buy when they just waste souri time, I think this be taken under consideration as well.

It's a very nice product, I say try harder to contact him and advise him in the email your ready to come give him a date I'm sure he will respond don't give up.

Also I saw on a website vinylium.com these guys do a mountable technics 1200 cutter I'm
Not sure if they still running, I did see somewhere on this forum they no supplying cutter anymore.

Other than this try eBay, Todd made a good point ebay purchase of vr has no product support. But you can buy supplies from my shank.com,deepgroovesmastering.com,vinylike.com, the list goes on and on google is your best friend.

I hope you are successfull like I said don't give up.

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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 34979Unread post lejockey
Sun May 10, 2015 6:37 pm

Hi guys,

thanks for the advice. I can assure people, that I am most definitely not a time waster. The time it has taken me to save up the money, and especially the sacrifices I have had to make to save that amount (working for minimum wage in London for much of it, not fun) mean I am most certainly keen, and in fact pretty clued up on things as well. I hope I can persuade him that I am a suitable person to sell to. All I have been able to think about for the last 2 years, since finding his website, is a VR and to sacrifice what I have had to in order to save up (not drinking beer, not eating meat etc), and then not to be able to buy one would be a massive blow.

Vinylium aren't in business any more alas, and if I can't get through to Souri, maybe I shall have to go for a second hand one. I can certainly repair any electronics myself, and hopefully find someone with blank discs and cuter repair services (having browsed this forum a bit I know myshank are an option), but I really would like to give Souri my business, as he is someone integral in the reason that vinyl as a medium has weathered a storm and remains a strong, if niche, market and Souri has my utmost respect for that.

Anyways, thanks for the advice. Fingers crossed :)

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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 34980Unread post dimi751
Sun May 10, 2015 8:51 pm

Your welcome

Let us know how you go with getting a vr if I see one on ebay I will send you a link


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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 34995Unread post opcode66
Mon May 11, 2015 1:48 pm

There should really be a thead or a sticky on the site. Vinylium is done. The site is simply a historical marker.

If the DRC camp finishes their work they will give the VR a run for its money.

I got all the way up to being invoiced by Souri when he decided he didnt want to sell to me. He came to understand via emails that I knew too much. And, so he cut me off. If you really want a VR from Souri act as dumb as possible. Up to and including asking questions that would make you appear to know zero aboht cutting. Don't mention this web site or anyone that posts here. Also, don't ask to buy anything other than the basic system that he will offer you. If you push for feedback head, platter and motor, or anything other than the standard dynamic starter kit then he will stop talking to you.

I can assure you that being pusshy with Souri is the fastest way to being ignored by him. If you told him you already booked a flight to pickup a VR from him that he didn't agree to sell you, that will be the end of your conversations with him. I'm not making this up, exaggerating or trying to bash him for personal gain. This is the truth of the matter. He is extremely selective. Mostly because he doesnt want to sell his technology to someone who could reverse engineer it. He carefully selects the most inexperienced clients. He also looks for people that are easy for him to deal with. Translation, he wants people that he can control as clients.
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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 35002Unread post cuttinglover
Mon May 11, 2015 5:07 pm

I agree with this story I know the brothers souri very well , I was one off the first who bought a cutting lathe in 2002 from theme .
After many blanks I buy from those Guy's I had blow up my cutterhead not the first time .
The problem was the lamp on the cutterhead when I forgot to put out my reciever I blowed up the cutterhead , when I put on the lamp.
I know a lot of people who made the same mistake , It was good busines for theme 600 euro repair for two coils .
Costs two coils 4 ohm neodymium mid ranche about 40 euro.
They know that so they never want chance the lamp on the cutter.
After blowing the last time it was 2007 , they never send my cutterhead back after payment .
When they found out I was making my own cutterhead , they cut me of support.
When you look in the equipment they sell , there are almost no electronics inside so you pay a too much high price .
That's the reason why the don't have orders I think .

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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 35003Unread post opcode66
Mon May 11, 2015 6:08 pm

Souri has plenty of interest (potential orders). He is just selective.

Also, as far as I know the VR cutterhead is assembled using off the shelf speakers. So, they aren't even winding the coils. Never took one apart so I can't be sure of this. I am only going by what I see.
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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 35005Unread post lejockey
Mon May 11, 2015 6:24 pm

To be honest, whilst there is an craft to it, its not like its rocket science, anyone with half a brain could reverse engineer. What people are paying for is time. The time saved having to develop the product. I am (not so) quietly confident that I could build something from scratch if I had the right tools and time, but sadly, I don't. Its not like there is any great break through in physics here. Its (comparatively) ancient technology at its core. The thing which bugs me, is the amount of sacrifice I had to make to save this money. I skipped meals, missed the pub with my mates, missed the cinema, missed everything socially fun, to save up for a product that as it turns out, isn't readily available.

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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 35009Unread post dimi751
Tue May 12, 2015 1:45 am

Hey lejockey

I respect what your saying money's easy to spend but hard to save I have 4 kids and money goes quick. You should be proud of your self for making these sacrifice you done well.

If you patient I'm sure another vinylrecorder will be seen soon, you can also try my shank.com look on there website sometime there are used vinyl recorders for sale there.

I am time poor as well, my goal is to build a diy lathe and cutterhead just making time is hard so I understand why you want to purchase a ready system.

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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 35014Unread post lejockey
Tue May 12, 2015 6:40 am

Thanks for all the replies folks. Great little community on here!

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Re: where to find a mid level cutter

Post: # 35711Unread post MurphyJax
Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:10 pm

hi cuttinglover,

can you specify the problem with the lamp a little bit and how to absolutely avoid it?

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