Help Calibrating Gain for Vinyl Recorder

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Help Calibrating Gain for Vinyl Recorder

Post: # 34363Unread post Ben
Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:52 pm

I'm Ben from Canada and I own a Vinyl Recorder from Souri since december 2014,
I had so many electrical problems that I needed to solve before actually using it....that some of the training stuff i learned is gone and my notes don't ring me any bell at all.

I would need help to calibrate my gain one the mixer (the pfl) but I don't remember what to do with the test tone vinyl he gave me and how to calibrate all this..... I tried to follow SUNBEARS technics... but I think I'm a little bit lost in the process.

I'm a sound engeneer in a I understand those concepts but I would be so grateful if anyone could help me calibrate my system.
Thank you very much for your help

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Re: Help Calibrating Gain for Vinyl Recorder

Post: # 34364Unread post SUNBEARS
Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:20 pm

Hey Ben. Sup!?

Try this:
Use test tone vinyl to set gain for your playback system. Play the test tone vinyl on your technics and over on your mixer, gain up the playback input until you are metering 0db on your Db Meter. Now you know where 0db is on your playback.

To set the gain for your source audio, set your fader to "Zero" or "Unity" on your mixer and then send a 0db 1khz sine wave from your source (Computer, CD, etc), flip your monitoring switch to monitor your input volume. Gain up the input until reaching 0db, you should now be set you unity.

To set your attenuator on the back of the main unit, set the gain and eQs on the front of your main unit at 12 o'clock and then turn up your attenuator all the way, so that it's attenuating the sound completely to no signal passing thru. Then make sure your cutting amp volume is ALL THE WAY UP (this is your cutter head amp, not your main unit). Now send test tone and begin cutting, monitoring playback from the Technics on your meters. Slowly slowly slowly attenuate less and less until the level raises up to 0db on your meters. You attenuator is now set.

You can now use the fader on the mixer to adjust input volumes for each sequence you cut. Also set your Eq to your taste.

I hope this helps.

Berlin is a Mastering Engineer and Multidisciplinary Artist based at The Loft Studio, Los Angeles, CA

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Re: Help Calibrating Gain for Vinyl Recorder

Post: # 34365Unread post Ben
Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:28 pm

Wow thank you so much for your fast answer!!! this is so appreciated!!

To adjust the source audio....when you say bring your fader to you mean bringing the fader all up??

Thanks brother...that really helps, I'm doing it right now :)

And also when you say it 0dbfs.... or more like -12 dbfs

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Re: Help Calibrating Gain for Vinyl Recorder

Post: # 34366Unread post SUNBEARS
Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:43 pm

Zero or Unity being that Bold White line about 75% way up on your fader.

Digital Zero on your source audio.

Meter Zero on your Souri Meters.

Hope this helps.

I will say too that I no longer use this configuration, so if I'm forgetting something, please remind me!

Berlin is a Mastering Engineer and Multidisciplinary Artist based at The Loft Studio, Los Angeles, CA

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Re: Help Calibrating Gain for Vinyl Recorder

Post: # 34368Unread post Ben
Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:53 pm

Thank you J,

this is precious help, thank you very much for taking the time!!
Now I know what I listen is right.

What is your new setup just out of curiosity

Cheers man :)

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