dictaphone project is complete / success !!

Anything goes! Inventors! Artists! Cutting edge solutions to old problems. But also non-commercial usage of record cutting. Cost- effective, cost-ineffective, nutso, brilliant, terribly fabulous and sometimes fabulously terrible ideas.

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dictaphone project is complete / success !!

Post: # 41888Unread post THEVICTROLAGUY
Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:17 am

i wanted to get this finished before i left for new york, just made it, leaving in a few hours. this is a $ 10 Dictaphone that has been converted to a cylinder phonograph, yes the fidelity is lacking, tops out about 3,000hz and no low end at all. but it must be remembered that this is a cylinder made from aluminum soap and has been recorded on an acoustic Dictaphone dictation machine built 91 years ago. the results can virtually equal an Edison cylinder phonograph costing $ 800 or more. i modified the governor to increase the speed of the machine, removed all of the extraneous dictation machine parts, now the machine plays through a horn like any cylinder phonograph. 10 bucks and 50+ hours work, but i wanted to see if it was possible. this is an untapped resource, there is no collectors interest in these machines at all and are CHEAP !! with a bit more work this will sound better, this is the first music recording that was as good as a cylinder phonograph. the second video is a trumpet solo playing through a walmart transmission funnel. this is an mp3 transfer from a you tube video playing on my ipad...

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Re: dictaphone project is complete / success !!

Post: # 41890Unread post sakuszi
Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:15 am

beautiful sound! if the age of almost 100 years :)

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