Two New Pressing Plants in USA

This is where record cutters raise questions about cutting, and trade wisdom and experiment results. We love Scully, Neumann, Presto, & Rek-O-Kut lathes and Wilcox-Gay Recordios (among others). We are excited by the various modern pro and semi-pro systems, too, in production and development. We use strange, extinct disc-based dictation machines. And other stuff, too.

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Post: # 15540Unread post mossboss
Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:58 pm

Hey all
Reading this thread with a smirk on my face No no cloister and not sleeping Busy getting a plant up and running so no troll time
Ok! Look guys all of this makes sense and most of it is new tech based that really has no room in a plant that uses molds designed may be 80 or more years ago
Put sensors, monitors in the molds outside wherever you can read whatever temperature you want
Reason? Water and steam is out of control since there is a simple rule that has escaped everyone here Its called the path of least resistance
If you have a look at any mold used today it has no flow control therefore no temp control therefore varying quality etc
I will not go int a long epistle here suffice to say that back when CED Capacitance Electronic Discs were pressed on Alpha presses the first ever Video disc by RCA they patented a set of mold design that made perfectly flat records And they where PERFECTLY flat They spun at 400 RPM the stylus rode on them reading video signals induced a capacitive charge that was the video and stereo signal Blah Blah Dead and gone as Laser Disc killed it like CD killed records
Whats the point Take a reading and a down load of the patent it is still up All the bullshit you guys posted up is redundant unless you can control and adjust the path of the steam as well as the cooling water you will be pissing in the wind
If one knows and understands mold design and how it works it is very easy to see what these guys did and how effective it was remember that was 30 odd years ago Besides by that time RCA had made a few Billion records They knew what needed to be done so as to get a flat record and no rejects they did it
No, no sensors, just flow control like is done in the injection molding industry where the average mold is about $20 odd K
Now the question is
Who is going to pay $20 K odd for a set of molds when the average customer wants to penny you and dime you for his records?
There lays the issue and it is not the lack or ways Just the fact that people want a record that sells at the price of CD at wholesale level with demands that are unsustainable in our industry at current prices ex plant
Yeah Right
Now a couple of sensors embedded in the molds would most likely provide an indication of the state of affairs But so does a warped record
A good pressing man who knows his press and HIS MOLD would compensate accordingly That is a fact that is about as old as vinyl records

Off the box now

Back in getting the plant running another week or so and all you guys in the USA can start hassling me for pressing and NO $20K molds but good ones OK?

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Post: # 15541Unread post Aussie0zborn
Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:48 pm

So should we rename this post "Three New Pressing Plants in the USA"???
Last edited by Aussie0zborn on Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post: # 15542Unread post JayDC
Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:21 pm

mossboss wrote: Back in getting the plant running another week or so and all you guys in the USA can start hassling me for pressing and NO $20K molds but good ones OK?
awesome news!!!.. good luck :D .. your the boss..
generally its for reproduction.. but i like to play wif it sometimes.. :P

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Post: # 15565Unread post opcode66
Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:17 pm

I can't wait to start sending you some work Mossy! Looking forward to having you running a plant here in the USA.
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Post: # 15681Unread post thomas
Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:45 pm


Congratulations everyone!

Yes, modifications happen.

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