T560 Stylus Heating when Bypassing Main Unit

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T560 Stylus Heating when Bypassing Main Unit

Post: # 52567Unread post PMST
Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:08 am


I am looking into a T560 and have searched it on here and spent the past week reading every single post I can find on here about the cutter. One main theme I found was eventually once you have learnt how to cut (and yes I know that takes some time) most people seem to ditch the mixer and later upgrade a lot of the machine.

One thing that interested me was some users end up limiting the amount of connections, literally going from interface to amp to cutterhead, for example I saw this routing set up explained "DAW (Wavelab) > Apollo > Amp > Cutterhead.".

What I am wondering is, with a set up like this, you are bypassing the main unit, how do you apply heat to older stylus's, or is heating them not an issue at all really? Or have I misunderstood this concept?

This is purely for me to full understand as much as I can before I go to see Souri this month, I thought its best to get as clued up about the workings as much as possible before heading to Germany and so far this forum has kept me reading for some time!


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Re: T560 Stylus Heating when Bypassing Main Unit

Post: # 52575Unread post SueDenim
Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:42 pm

Don't wish to speak for someone else here, but it strikes me that when they said "DAW (Wavelab) > Apollo > Amp > Cutterhead", they are only talking about the audio signal path.
They would probably still use the Souri main unit to control both the cutting motor speed and supply current to the stylus heating coil; just no audio running through it.

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Re: T560 Stylus Heating when Bypassing Main Unit

Post: # 52580Unread post SUNBEARS
Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:24 am

Yes!! But... You still need to use the main unit to control stylus heating and pitch/groove distance. My advice is to not overthink it and just worry about cutting great records which is totally doable with the Souri main unit and mixer! - just do what Souri says in Germany and you’ll cut great!

Best of luck!

Berlin is a Mastering Engineer and Multidisciplinary Artist based at The Loft Studio, Los Angeles, CA

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