Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe probs

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Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe probs

Post: # 45648Unread post status66uk
Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:19 pm

Hi everyone

I may have the opportunity to purchase a full ready to cut lathe and accessories but im worried that when something goes wrong with it (which will happen at some point!) that i wont be able to find anyone local or national to fix it and ill be left with thousands of pounds worth of useless equipment!

I am based in Grimsby, Are there any people on this forum that live near here or uk wide who i could turn to if i encounter any problems?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45649Unread post SueDenim
Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:43 pm

Most on here can and will offer lots of general cutting advice.
But if you need specifics then we could do with knowing what type of 'full ready to cut lathe and accessories' you may be buying ;)

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45650Unread post status66uk
Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:50 pm

Im just waiting for an inventory of equipment and a price, its basically a highly modified vinyl recorder with their own custom made cutterhead, I think the guy is looking to upgrade to a neumann clone lathe.

Ive had a cut done with the set up that may be for sale and it was excellent.

I havent got a clue about the technical process of cutting so spending so much money is a bit of a risk but im sure i can pick it up to make great cuts eventually

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45653Unread post SueDenim
Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:31 pm

I havent got a clue about the technical process of cutting
OK - I'm not sure where you're coming from technically and how much you already know.
So I'll definitely suggest you use the resources in the Reference Archive

There's lots to read and it may seem a bit much right now, but if you can get a basic grounding in the fundamentals of disc cutting, it'll make a huge difference.
It'll certainly allow us to help you though any rough patches and answer your questions! ;)

All the best mate...

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45681Unread post Flexinoodle
Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:40 am

I wouldn't expect too much help from this forum to be honest, if you post basic questions only a few people will answer (SueDenim for one) but even basic questions wont get answered, this forum seems to be mainly for certain questions and showing off your current cutter experiments, unfortunate but true, I am in the process of learning all this stuff right now and will help you out with anything i can learn along the way, but you are going to have to rely on your own ability to learn more than anything else.
I will probably set up a page for "Non experts" with whatever info i can pick up along the way.

It is easy to see how useful this forum is, just search for something simple like 'best vacuum' you will be shocked at how little usable information there is.

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45696Unread post misjah
Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:36 am

Granted answers can be quite rude and unhelpful but most people here expect even a newbie to have some sort of knowledge. Generic questions like "can somebody help me with "a lathe"" won't do very well as we don't know what lathe you're talking about. If you search the forum for VR or vinylrecorder you will get loads of information if it wise to purchase one second hand (it is not if you don't know how to repair it as you won't get help from VR) search and start reading up and you will be amazed how much info there is.

Ps. Search terms like "best vacuum" won't get you any results cause it's the wrong thing to search for not because there is no info on it here. Get to learn the process and the correct terminology that will make things lot easier for you.r

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45712Unread post Flexinoodle
Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:55 pm

And there is the exact reason why asking for help on this forum is fairly pointless
"Dont search for vacuum because it is the wrong term, learn the process and the correct terminology"
Seriously, the amount of rubbish you posted you could have typed with less letters "Search for xxxxxx, it isn't called a vacuum"
Oh and for the record i searched a lot of posts, and a lot of people are calling it a vacuum
But the best part is your suggestion that somebody should learn everything before asking questions, what an elitist pile of nonsense !!!

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45720Unread post Steve E.
Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:37 pm

Sorry our forum was such a disappointing experience for you, Flexinoodle. Feel free to contact me offline.

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45722Unread post misjah
Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:56 pm

I hope your apology was meant sarcastically Steve :)....good luck flexiwhatever.

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Re: Are there any UK based peeps who would help with lathe p

Post: # 45819Unread post Ben
Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:33 pm

This is the most friendly and helpful forum I have ever seen.... I was having a problem with my cutting system and needed to finish a production ASAP during the holidays..... and Mark, Todd and Steven help me a lot and even on January 1st....
it's a non-sense to say this place is not a great place for learning and sharing....

Thanks Steve for everything, really appreciate your time and dedication !

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