Wilcox gay head

This is a special section, perhaps temporary, to help our man Timmy1 with his efforts to assemble a working 8J10 Wilcox-Gay Recordette for experimental record cutting. The reasons for this will be explained shortly, but please do check in and help! He's a great guy with a worthy project.

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Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22827Unread post timmy1
Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm

On the machine I might buy the person says that the head has to be magnetized because it does not play or record. Is there a coil in that type of head?

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22866Unread post Steve E.
Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:46 am

What is the model of this machine? Can you find out?

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22867Unread post timmy1
Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:55 am

the guy is away for the weekend I will try to find the model I got email back from Gib he says send head in 75.00. I wonder if I could find the parts and do it mmy self I am pretty handy doing things I am a small engine mechanic. The guy says it is a a Wilcox-Gay Recordette with radio

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22869Unread post EmAtChapterV
Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:31 am

If the head has a magnet, it has coils, but if the magnet is weak or dead, the coils aren't the problem. A head remagnetizer is a pretty big, specialized piece of equipment, iirc. I suppose you could design and build one, but for what it would cost, you might as well just send the head to Gib.

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22901Unread post tragwag
Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:19 am

the recordette is a finicky little piece.
it has a crystal cartridge.
the pickup and cutter arm are one in the same, you change out the stylus for each intended use.
do you have the manual?
it's around the forum somewhere for sure.
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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22902Unread post timmy1
Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:38 am

tragwag wrote:the recordette is a finicky little piece.
it has a crystal cartridge.
the pickup and cutter arm are one in the same, you change out the stylus for each intended use.
do you have the manual?
it's around the forum somewhere for sure.
Thanks I do not have the manual yet. Gib says the head is too hard to rebuild myself and he said needles are 20.00 not sure if the cutting needle or the playback one.

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22907Unread post Angus McCarthy
Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:41 pm

He probably has some steel or stellite styli at that price. He sold me a sapphire stylus for $35 last year.

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22915Unread post tragwag
Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:17 pm

Angus McCarthy wrote:He probably has some steel or stellite styli at that price. He sold me a sapphire stylus for $35 last year.
sapphire for $35?!
I got one from him for $75 I think...
making lathe cuts on a Presto 6N, HIFI stereo cuts on vinylrecorder
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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22971Unread post Angus McCarthy
Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:46 pm

These were some of his left-over standard stock, I think.

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 22998Unread post Deke Dickerson
Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:11 pm

I have a Wilcox-Gay rack mounted power supply that I'd sell, if you have any use for it. Email me at eccofonic@earthlink.net for pics if interested. I've had it in my storage for years.


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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 23043Unread post Angus McCarthy
Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:29 pm

Deke, those pictures alone would be quite welcome in the reference section - or on the wiki!

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 24978Unread post RecordLabelTroll
Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:20 am

How to repair a crystal cartridge YOURSELF for like $5


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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 25189Unread post biasply
Mon May 06, 2013 5:56 pm

I'm considering a Recordette and I'm wondering if someone could give an indication of the fidelity the results would have? Certainly this machine is from the 1940s so I know we're talking lo-fi, but how low? Frequency range? Does a rebuilt head offer any wider range?

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 25192Unread post biasply
Mon May 06, 2013 6:23 pm

please ignore the previous post, I tried to delete, no success....

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Re: Wilcox gay head

Post: # 25194Unread post timmy1
Mon May 06, 2013 10:31 pm

The recordettes were made in the 50's because some of them had 45 speed also.

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