78 rpm label

Anything goes! Inventors! Artists! Cutting edge solutions to old problems. But also non-commercial usage of record cutting. Cost- effective, cost-ineffective, nutso, brilliant, terribly fabulous and sometimes fabulously terrible ideas.

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78 rpm label

Post: # 64036Unread post MisterGramophone
Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:32 pm

[Originally posted on the Talking Machine Forum]
For a while now, I have been wondering about a cost-effective way to make 78 rpm records (either shellac or hard rubber). Everything is too expensive for my budget. what do I do?

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Re: 78 rpm label

Post: # 64165Unread post tragwag
Fri Feb 09, 2024 5:26 pm

that's a tough one, especially on a budget!
there are some experimenters out there who have done shellac records from moulds, usually re-inventing an old process with available materials.
I can cut lathe cuts on plastic that are playable with fibre/bamboo needles, $75 each.

Kim at https://customrecords.com/gramophone
makes a harder material lathe cut, playable with steel needles

it's not a well trodden road these days,
good luck!
making lathe cuts on a Presto 6N, HIFI stereo cuts on vinylrecorder
at Audio Geography Studios, Providence, RI USA

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